Programming Language: MATLAB
Enhancing Noise Robustness in Focus Measure Using Tight Framelet Features
Related Papers:
Li Y.-R., Liu J., Ye Z., Shen L., and Zhuang X. Enhancing Noise Robustness in Focus Measure Using Tight Framelet Features.
Code Download: Focus Measure
Appendix: VTFF
Programming Language: MATLAB
Regularization with multilevel non-stationary tight framelets for image restoration
Related Papers:
Li Y.-R., Chan R. H., Shen L., and Zhuang X. Regularization with multilevel non-stationary tight framelets for image restoration. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 53 : 332-348 (2021).
Download: TNTF
Programming Language: MATLAB
Directional 3D Haar Tight Framelets.
Related Papers:
Han B., Li T., and Zhuang X. Directional compactly supported box spline tight framelets with simple geometric structure, Applied Mathematics Letters. 91: 213 - 219 (2019).
Download: D3HaarTransforms
Programming Language: MATLAB
Directional compactly supported tensor product complex tight framelet filter banks and applications
Related Papers:
Han B., Mo Q., Zhao Z., and Zhuang X. Directional Compactly Supported Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets with Applications to Image Processing.
Download: cptTPCTF
Programming Language: MATLAB
Directional bandlimited tensor product complex tight framelet filter banks and applications
Related Papers:
Han B., Zhao Z., and Zhuang X. (2016) Directional tensor product complex tight framelets with low redundancy.
Download: bdTPCTF
Programming Language: MATLAB
The digital affine filter banks with 2-layer structure and Theire applications.
Related Papers:
Che, Z. and Zhuang, X. (2017) Digital affine shear filter banks with 2-layer structure..
Download: DAST-2
Programming Language: MATLAB
The digital affine shear transform and its applications.
Related Papers:
Zhuang, X. (2015) Digital affine shear transforms: fast realization and applications in image/video proccessing.
Download: DAST
Programming Language: MATLAB
The digital shearlet transform and its applications.
PPFT: the pesudo-polar Fourier transform.
Weighting: weighting (preconditoning) on the pseudo-polar grid.
Windowing: digtial shearlet windowing on the pseudo-polar grid.
Denosing: application on denosing.
Related Papers:
Donoho, D.L., Kutyniok, G., Shahram, M., and Zhuang, X. (2010) A rational design of a digital shearlet transform. The 9th International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications, Singapore, 2011.
Kutyniok, G., Shaharm, M., and Zhuang, X. (2012)
ShearLab: A rational design of a digital parabolic scaling algorithm.
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences. 5 (4):1291-1332.
Download: Please go to WWW.SHEARLAB.ORG for more details and updated version.
Programming Language: MAPLE 10.0
This package contains rotinues developed for the design of
univariate wavelets, multiwavelets,
framelets, multiframelets having desirable properties such as symmetry, (bi)orthogonality, sum rule condition,
vanishing moments, linear phase moments, and so on. This package contains the following subpackages, which are
being developed or under development.
D1Utilities: commonly used rutines.
D1MatOrthExt: matrix extension with symmetry.
D1MatOrthExtAlgQ: matrix extension with symmetry in algebraic number fields.
D1DualChain: top-down and bottom-up dual chains construction of biorthogonal wavelets.
D1IntpFuncVect: interpolating function vectors.
D1MatBiorthExt: matrix extension with symmetry for birothogonal multiwavelets.
D1Complex: construction of complex tight framelets.
D1CBC: coset-by-coset construction of biorthogonal multiwavelets developed by Professor Bin Han, see here.
D1CriticalExponentV2.txt: the L2 smoothness of a mask.
For more details, see the help document in
HTML format in this website or download maple .mws file format
Related Papers:
Chui, C. K., Han, B., and Zhuang, X. (2010) A dual-chain approach for bottom-up construction of wavelet filters with any integer dilation.
Zhuang, X. (2010) Matrix extension with symmetry and construction of biorthogonal multiwavelets.
Zhuang, X. (2010) Construction of symmetric complex tight d-wavelet frames from pseudo splines via matrix extension with symmetry.
Zhuang, X. (2010) Matrix extension with symmetry and its applications. Approximation Theory XIII (San Antonio, TX, 2010), Springer.
Han, B. and Zhuang, X. (2010) Matrix Extension with symmetry and its applications to symmetric orthonormal multiwavelets. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. 42(5): 2297-2317.
Han, B., Kwon, S. G. and Zhuang, X. (2009) Generalized interpolating refinable function vectors. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 227: 254-270.
Han, B. (2003) Vector cascade algorithms and refinable function vectors in Sobolev spaces, Journal of Approximation Theory, 124(1): 44-88.
Download: click HERE to download.
Programming Language: MATLAB
Compute the L2 critical exponent of a matrix mask in 1D and 2D.
D1CriticalExponentV2: the L2 critical exponent of a mask (univariate).
D2CriticalExponentV2: the L2 critical exponent of a mask (bivariate).
Related Papers:
Bin Han, Vector cascade algorithms and refinable function vectors in Sobolev spaces , Journal of Approximation Theory, Volumn 124 (2003), Issue 1, 44-88.
Download:click HERE to download.
Programming Language: C
Plot the graphs of wavelet masks in 1D and 2D.
plot1dvec: plot graphs of a mask (univariate).
plot2dvec: plot graphs of a mask (bivariate).
Related Papers:
Download:click HERE to download.