Contact Infomation

P5311 (Office), P2619 (Lab)
Yeung Kin Man Academic Building
Department of Chemistry, City University of Hong Kong
Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong
TEL: (852) 3442 7839 (Office)
FAX: (852) 3442 0522

Join Us

We are looking for postgraduate students/research assistants who wish to perform multidisciplinary work on natural products in the Matsuda research group. If interested in joining the group, please contact Dr. Matsuda with your CV and letter of interest.
Prospective graduate students should apply to the University (visit here for more details). Eligible PhD candidates may apply for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship SchemeFor PhD student position, those who obtained their bachelor's degree from the top 100 (ideally top 50) universities worldwide or C9/UCAS/Double First Class (A Category)/Project 211 universities in the Mainland China with good GPA are especially encouraged to apply.
NOTE: A message that fails to express a specific interest in our group will NOT be replied.

